
Showing posts from March, 2017

Quote of the day

Funny but true...

Step out of your comfort zone

Good Morning! Be willing to do uncomfortable things so you can experience God’s true grace in your life. As believers we have to be willing to do uncomfortable things to create hope in people. (Ephesians 4:7). The grace that God gives us is enough to navigate whatever challenges life may bring - he becomes your strength at the moments you feel you are at your weakest point (2 Corinthians 12:9). God has called us to be voices for justice. $80 billion a year is spent on corrections. Imagine what the return on an investment like that would be if it were made on either prevention or the reduction of the recidivism rate? That is precisely why T.O.R.I. is such a necessary and vital program to our community. Our staff and countless volunteers are reaching T.O.R.I. clients by showing them the true power of the love, grace and mercy God gives us all (1 Peter 4:10). Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone to show the grace of God to another? Partner with T.O.R.I. today by visiting medc-t

6 signs of emotional manipulation

At one point or the other, you might have likely encountered a person or people who are emotionally manipulative and controlling. They typically use passive aggressive behaviors to get their way with you. Sometimes, they might not even know they’re doing it and sometimes they know. Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency, shares 6 signs to help you know when you have become the object of emotional manipulation. Your Words Are Being Used Against You Manipulative people typically have trouble admitting fault and accepting responsibility for their behavior. If you call them out on their faults, they will most likely use your own words against you and turn it around to absolve themselves of guilt and make you feel guilty. For example, you can say something like, “You didn’t clean the house like you said you would.” The person then replies with something like, “Don’t be so inconsiderate nau. You don’t even know how tired I was. I was feeling sick. Why can’t you be more considerate

Step out of your comfort zone

Good Morning! Be willing to do uncomfortable things so you can experience God’s true grace in your life. As believers we have to be willing to do uncomfortable things to create hope in people. (Ephesians 4:7). The grace that God gives us is enough to navigate whatever challenges life may bring - he becomes your strength at the moments you feel you are at your weakest point (2 Corinthians 12:9). God has called us to be voices for justice. $80 billion a year is spent on corrections. Imagine what the return on an investment like that would be if it were made on either prevention or the reduction of the recidivism rate? That is precisely why T.O.R.I. is such a necessary and vital program to our community. Our staff and countless volunteers are reaching T.O.R.I. clients by showing them the true power of the love, grace and mercy God gives us all (1 Peter 4:10). Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone to show the grace of God to another? Partner with T.O.R.I. today by visiting medc-t

5 ways to release tension

We cannot avoid stress-producing or anxiety-provoking circumstances—they are a natural consequence of life on Planet Earth. But there are effective ways to lessen their impact on our minds and bodies. In addition to walking, running, and other activities, we can begin to practice ways to release the tension that builds up in us when we experience such situations. Here are a few strategies that I use and find them to be pretty effective. 1. Take a deep breath . I don’t know about you, but sometimes when I’m working at warp speed or something is going on that threatens to stress me, I find that my breathing becomes shallow. Other times it seems that I literally forget to breathe. Taking a deep breath can do wonders in diffusing the tension that you may be feeling. Deep breathing relaxes you because it lowers your heart rate and circulates extra oxygen to various parts of the body. Here’s the scoop on how to get the most out of it. I’m not sure where I first learned this, but I have prac

Destiny has a pulse

Every living person is a vibrant embodiment of a designed purpose and destiny — a walking, breathing, speaking organism that has been set on a path to fulfill a specific goal during its existence. Though we all might have different purposes and destinies, there is something every destiny-driven person shares with another — a pulse! Of course, your pulse signifies the thumping of your heart. However, it does far more than that. Your pulse signifies that your entire body is being fed everything it needs to survive and thrive. There are several places throughout your body that allow you to feel the pulse of your heart. What you feel when you place your fingers against your jugular vein should be the same thing you feel when your fingers are placed against your wrist. Both areas on your body should have the same rhythm and energy because the pulse — the beating of the heart — sustains everything God has assembled in you. If the pulse stops, the body dies. As it is in our bodies, it shoul

Lose the pebbles

Muhammad Ali said, “It isn’t the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out, it’s the pebble in your shoe.” The champ was referring to the everyday distractions that take us off course and keep us from seeing the bigger picture of our lives. While the mountain, our life’s purpose, is always ahead of us, the pebbles often trip us up. We may perpetuate unhealthy behaviors, patterns and thoughts in our lives by worrying about all the what ifs, could have beens and never-going-to-be’s. Keep your eyes fixed on that mountain! Eliminate the pebbles, one by one. Use these tips to clear out the pesky hindrances to your progress: 1. Fix the small stuff. In our lifetimes, we will spend four solid years doing housework and an entire year just looking for things we have lost in our homes.  Precious days of our life are squandered if we lack discipline and preparation. You envision opening your own business one day, for example, yet haven’t made real progress towards this goal. The small stuff,

Jealousy is Dangerous

Never before have we had such immediate access into each other’s lives. While the connections we strengthen through social media are meaningful, there is something to watch out for: envy . It is said that “Jealousy comes from counting others’ blessings instead of our own.” Many of us feel genuine gratitude as we get to catch up with our friends and family’s pictures, growth and accomplishments on social media, and elsewhere.  But, too often we allow thoughts of comparison and hints of envy to creep in as well. Constant comparison is envy’s gateway. Have you found yourself looking at someone’s anniversary pictures and wishing your relationship was as solid? Have you and your wife struggled with infertility only to be saddened by constant pictures of beautiful, thriving babies? Shakespeare wrote, “Oh beware...of jealousy!  It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock.” Feelings of jealousy and envy must be healed; they are not worthy of our peace of mind and spirit. Psychologists su

5 signs your marriage needs urgent surgery

If you see these happening in your marriage, I highly encourage you to meditate on these biblical truths (asking God for his insight into your situation) and possibly seek out a trusted friend or professional counselor for advice. 1) You don’t desire to serve your spouse or to put them first We are called to sacrificially love our spouses (Ephesians 5) everyday, whether that’s physically serving them or allowing their opinions to be as valuable as our own (Philippians 2:3-4) when making decisions. I hear you. We think, “Why should I serve them when they do XYZ, when they don’t treat me right, or when I know they won’t serve me back in return?” But here’s the thing: rending yourself unable to love them “until” (until they treat you correctly, etc) means that you are shortchanging the beautiful example of sacrificial love that God designed for marriage. And bottom line, this inability to unconditionally serve your spouse will severely limit the closeness between the two of you and s

Prayer and Proximity

Good Morning! There is power in prayer and proximity! Everything can change for the better at any moment. The church body has to realize that just by being proximate to someones situation, we can change their quality of life. We are the ones who can be the light in their lives and show them through God, there is hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). The national average for the recidivism rate is 52%. T.O.R.I., only having an 11% recidivism rate, has taken great strides towards impacting those who come through the doors of the program, simply by making themselves available to connect with the people they serve. T.O.R.I.’s initiatives involving Education, Employment, Housing and Family Reunification are the very things that are making a huge difference in keeping participants motivated toward achieving success. Let keep this program lifted in fervent prayer (James 5:16) and see the reach of T.O.R.I. continue to grow and impact this next generation in a positive and profound way. Watch t

Quote of the day

Watch out for fake friends

Watch your Circle

Good Morning! You have to know when you cant allow other people’s opinions to stop you from going after what God has for you. It can be a hard walk with God when are you confused, however, what a gift it is that He welcomes you with open arms to guide your path as you walk along with Him (Psalm 119:105)! You have to be discerning with whom you share your God-given plans and dreams with! Everyone in your circle is not in your corner! Do not give those people the power to speak doubt, fear and unbelief into your life (Proverbs 12:18). Hold steadfast to that which you know God has ordained for your life. Feed your spirit with the things you know He says about you! You were bought with a price (1 Corinthians 6:20)! You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14)! You can do all things through Him (Philippians 4:13)! Words are such a powerful tool! Remove yourself from the company of anyone whose words do not edify and encourage you to pursue God’s best in your life. Stay in the comp

How Flexibility affects your happiness

“A flexible person is a happy person,” my husband said, mimicking the expression I always use to adjust my attitude when my precious plans go awry. This was his way is letting me know that something had just gone wrong but that he was putting forth an effort to “go with the flow”. While I haven’t “arrived,” I have made great strides in overcoming a rigid attitude. I used to put my plans in cement, and woe unto anybody who changed them. I would mostly likely strike their name off my list for any future interaction. No more! I’ve decided to make every effort to become a flexible person. In fact, I renew my commitment each time I see someone experiencing great frustration simply because he refuses to be flexible. Ray is a typical example. His job as a city maintenance worker requires him to share a truck with Jack. Jack tends to get extremely hot and requires the windows in the vehicle to remain down—even when it’s quite chilly outside. Ray often finds the discomfort unbearable and in

Getting back with that old friend

True and good friends are to be treasured because they are not so easy to come by. But in life, we make mistakes because we’re human and sometimes people who love each other and think very highly of each other fall out because of offences from one or both parties. The loss of such a valuable relationship can be very painful and leave a hole in both lives. Repairing such a friendship and reconciling with your friend will bring healing and help you to get on with your lives better. Even in the event that such reconciliation fails, knowing that you tried helps to provide closure. Making an effort to reconcile with an estranged friend is a sign of humility and willingness to forgive. It is a venture that is worth the try because good friendships help to alleviate the troubles of life, provide us with support and give us the gift of persons that we can share the ups and downs of life with. These steps below are suggestions what can be done to bring about reconciliation with an estranged

This story goes on

The earth’s progression through the four seasons ensures maturation and renewal; the ice caps of winter melt into the streams of spring. Our relationships follow similar cycles. There are some that come into our lives for a lifetime while others only for a season. Surely, those that walk out of our lives are not always bad people – sometimes their part in our story is just over. We may have lost our spouse, partner or best friend simply because no matter how hard we tried to make it work, our values were no longer aligned. We shaved down the edges of the square peg, trying to force it into a round hole, but it just doesn’t fit – and we know it. Although we believed they would be in our lives forever, their season has come to an end. Everyone reminds you that you will heal from this, yet you wish you could believe that. Some might say that it takes half the length of the relationship to heal from the loss, while others say that after a month things will start to feel better. Yet,

This story goes on

The earth’s progression through the four seasons ensures maturation and renewal; the ice caps of winter melt into the streams of spring. Our relationships follow similar cycles. There are some that come into our lives for a lifetime while others only for a season. Surely, those that walk out of our lives are not always bad people – sometimes their part in our story is just over. We may have lost our spouse, partner or best friend simply because no matter how hard we tried to make it work, our values were no longer aligned. We shaved down the edges of the square peg, trying to force it into a round hole, but it just doesn’t fit – and we know it. Although we believed they would be in our lives forever, their season has come to an end. Everyone reminds you that you will heal from this, yet you wish you could believe that. Some might say that it takes half the length of the relationship to heal from the loss, while others say that after a month things will start to feel better. Yet,

Complacency or Contentment?

There exists a very thin line of difference between a complacent person and a contented person. Some people erroneously fall into the temptation of thinking that being complacent equals to being grateful. They wrongly believe that complacency eliminates them from the train of 'go-getters'. Their ignorance lies in the thin line of difference between complacency and contentment. Being content means being happy while being complacent means refusing to work to improve. Becky Lee also gets it right when she says "Contentment means to feel peace with the current state you're in, regardless of the circumstances around you while Complacency means to grow numb to it, accept it and abandon ambition for change." Against that stream of thought, you must understand these two vital points: 1. Contented people can be grateful for where they are and what they have but believe that it can be better and they can have more. 2. Contented people do not necessarily covet what other

7 Golden Tips For A Successful Courtship

Courtship can actually be very challenging, a lot of singles started with the hope of getting married but ended with both parties going their separate ways for one reason or the other. The following tips will help you to have a successful courtship in addition to the dos and don’ts of Christian courtship. LOVE: Even though it takes more than love to sustain a relationship, Love is still very key in sustaining a relationship, true love stands the test of time, any relationship built on material things without true love will surely collapse. If a guy truly loves you as a lady, He will not want to defile you before your wedding night. Don’t marry someone you don’t love, no matter the persuasion, Love transcends beauty or any other facial qualities. Let love be the bedrock of your relationship. FORGIVENESS: No matter how much you both love each other, times will come when you will offend each other or have some forms of disagreement over issues that may lead to one party feeling offended

Quote of the day

Trust God

Be open to change

Good Morning! If you are THAT frustrated with your life and refuse to change, you will always be where you’ve always been! It is hard to be happy for others when you feel as though you are living in hell, but you have to change the narrative over your situation (Colossians 3:8)! You have to seek the Lord and find yourself in an intimate place with Him so you can hear his voice - Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17)! Have you found yourself in a position you wanted, but now realize you didn’t truly want the responsibilities that come along with it? You are not in this place by happenstance (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)! Identify what YOU must change so that you are not repeating this lesson! You have to stop letting the enemy sit you in the corner, and beg for what is yours! Cry out to God - there is a holler that will make Him stand still! God is getting ready to bring you out, but not before you kill that root of bitterness you are harboring (Hebrews 12:15) and get what he has for you

6 reasons why men leave women

1. HE FEELS THAT SHE’S TRYING TO FIX HIM. When a man starts to feel that he’s not enough, that his flaws are huge, or that he cannot be himself without judgment, he begins to find the exit door. Women tend to emasculate men by making them their projects. Albert Einstein said, “Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed.” Men do not change, and no one truly needs to – they only need to discover who they truly are. A man can grow and mature with the help of a loving and supportive partner. 2. HE IS THREATENED BY THE WOMAN’S SUCCESS. In a study conducted by the University of Florida , men experience a huge blow to their self-esteem when their female partners experience success, even when they are not in direct competition. A woman’s success also impacts in a negative manner how the man views the future of the relationship. If the man has not been able to attain the success he feels he dese

Quote of the day

Go for yourself!!!!

How to Love God

Good Morning! When you’re carnal, your understanding of God is based on performance. The closer you get to Him, who He IS becomes more important than what He DID (1 John 4:18-19). Where God wants to meet you isn’t based on a geographic locale, its based on a change in your Spiritual perspective (Romans 12:1-2); He wants you to worship Him in Spirit and in truth (John 4:24). A real worshipper can be in the midst of a turbulent season of life and still praise God for that which He has already done for them (Psalm 100) - Have you reached this level of spiritual maturity? If God never did another thing in your life, could you still praise and worship Him? What people do will always tell you who they are. If you know who someone IS, you can understand their actions. Our relationship with God is no different. Are you connected to Him intimately to the point where you can see that even through trials and tribulations, if He allowed you to go through something, there must be something He want

Managing long distant relationships

Long distance relationships are becoming so common these days, with all the various media of communicating in a long distance relationship is a lot easier but it can still be difficult to get a real sense of connection with your partner. “A long distance relationship means that you have to have a lot more commitment, patience and strength, to keep the feeling of closeness alive”. This is not to say long distance relationship can’t survive because a lot of people are still in that kind of relationship and it still works. Below are some ways to stay more connected with your partners even when they are thousands of miles away from you. *Don’t be afraid to make the maximum use of all the technology that you have available to you. Make use of facebook, Instagram, skype and so on to communicate with your partner. *Endeavour to call your partner instead of texting all the time. Be sure to talk to each other everyday or at least every two days even if it’s for a minute. *Be sure to share e

Hidden causes of swollen vagina

Sex can come with unpleasant and painful surprises at times, while it is something you can enjoy you may also experience some unpleasant side effects. “Soreness and redness are common, especially if you and your partner were a bit rough, but sometimes, you may experience swelling”. If you are the type that always have swollen vag!na after s3x and you keep wondering the cause, wondering if something is wrong it may be nothing actually and it may be something serious, it depends on the severity of your vag!na swelling. Below are common causes for swollen vag!na and how to take care of it. Rough Sex: One of the major causes of swollen vag!na is friction, rough s3x can cause irritation which may lead to swelling. “In the heat of the moment, you may not even realize that you’re being a bit too rough, you may also experience swelling if you weren’t lubricated enough during s3x”. The swelling should disappear within some hours or maximum a day but if it extends more than that something els

Quote of the day

Keep the faith...

Alone but not lonely

Humans are social creatures. With the help of the bonds we form with each other, we’re able to create great works , be the change we want to see happen and find companionship and love. When we come together, there is a strength to be gained for everyone. However, we also need to learn how to be comfortable with being alone. As important as it is to be happy in one’s own company, it’s also a difficult task because, as a society, we equate being alone with some sort of deficiency. This notion has been disproven and the results found that those who identified as loners “had just as much ‘social capital’ — defined by physical attractiveness, height, weight, socioeconomic status, and academic achievement — as their non-lonely peers.” In fact, there are benefits to being periodically alone. 1. Being Alone Offers Brain Benefits One benefit of enjoying some “me time” is that the self-imposed solitude helps spark our creativity. Research conducted by psychologist Keith Sawyer from Washin


Frustration is a sign of investment. It usually comes from when we don't get to see what we had in mind. Moses, when he was frustrated by the Israelites made a mistake of speaking to the people instead of speaking to the rock (which symbolises Jesus). God had commanded Moses to speak to the rock to bring out water but because Moses got frustrated with the constant murmuring of the people, he spoke to them and hit the rock. You don't get frustrated with things you havent invested in. Wherever there is investment, there's frustration because investment creates expectation. Expectation creates the potential for disappointment because would not always expectations be met. For years I struggled with relating with people and making friends because I expected so much from people but I learnt to lower my expectations because I was disappointed a number of times. Consequently, disappointment unresolved leads to frustration. Frustration is when disappointment sinks in. Frustration


Good Morning! When you worship, you connect! You’ll never see what you’re designed to be until you CONNECT! When the Word speaks of submitting to your husband, its an analogy of the way we should submit to Christ (Ephesians 5:19-27). The Lord is waiting for you to connect to Him to an intimate way - you have to get to a place in your relationship with Him where you too have a desire to connect to Him intimately (Psalm 27:4). Through your connection to Him in worship, you will begin to have clarity in so many aspects of your life and get to a place where you are taking divine destiny steps toward the plan and purpose He has for your life (John 15:4-6). Connecting with God in worship does not mean that every thing you ask Him for will be granted to you immediately - as in every relationship, you must be patient (Romans 8:25). Stay connected not only through worship, but in fervent prayer (Philippians 4:6) and marvel at the growth you will see in your life Spiritually! Watch the rebroad

Quote of the day

Open your Mind...

5 ways to carry out after-sex Vaginal clean up

When you think of the times that you feel the most relaxed and happy, the blissed- out buzz you get after an orgasm ranks right up there with a deep tissue massage. But what you choose to do while buzzed impacts your vagina. “When the vaginal tissues have been lubricated, swollen , and rubbed against during intercourse , it changes how that tissue reacts to the environment . Primarily , you run a much greater risk of infection ,” says Kansas - based gynaecologist, Dr. Leslie Page Here , we break down the stuff you should never, ever do after sex if you want to keep your vagina happy. Don’ t forget to pee During sex, bacteria can get pushed into your bladder. “ This can result in post - intercourse bladder infections, ” says an obstetrics gynaecologist, Dr. Robert Wool , M . D . “You can have some snuggle time , just empty your bladder within one hour of having sex. ” Then, wipe from front to back to avoid spreading fecal matter from your anus to the vagina. “Due to swelling and

How to go through the pain of rejection

Don't let the fear of rejection keep you out of the game. We have all heard the success stories of Oprah, Bill Gates, JK Rowling, Michael Jordan, Madonna and a host of other celebrities or public figures who have sold millions over the last few years. It is a given that each one of these individuals all have success in common but did you know they also share one other common denominator? Rejection. - Oprah was fired from her job in television. - Soichiro Honda was turned down from an engineering job in toyota - Bill Gates was rejected by IBM. - JK Rowling was denied by several book publishers. - Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team and Madonna was rejected by a movie producer. How you handle rejection has the power to determine your destiny. Each one of these individuals could have chosen to live in defeat after their rejections; however, they chose to do what very few people do. They chose to keep going because they realized that if the worst had alr

Make a Move

Good Morning! If you’re going to get what God has for you, you have to move! You cant stay in the same spot and reach your destiny. We are always separating and connecting to something; leaving and cleaving. Sometimes, in order for you to get to the next dimension, you have to be willing to move from that which is familiar so He can position you in the place needed to accomplish His plan for your life. This may not always align with the timeline you have set for yourself (Acts 1:7). You have to stay in tune with the voice of God and truly allow Him to order your steps (Isaiah 8:17). You have to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24). Connecting to Him in the intimacy of true worship is how you will stay connected to His will for your life. Cast your cares upon Him (Psalm 55:22)! Delight yourself in His presence (Psalm 37:4)! The relationship you will develop with Him through worship will build your trust in HIs plan for your life, and He says MOVE, you’ll know its His voice.

Let them go

Whether you realize it or not, people who refuse to grow with you simply can't go with you. So often we get so caught up in our emotions that we seem to think that just because someone has been by our side for years that we are entitled to take them with us to each proceeding level of our lives. At some point in your life you must realize that everyone can’t go with you to the next level and here’s why: Some People Are Seasonal Tyler Perry put it best in his hit movie Madea Goes To Jail: Some people come into your life and they are like leaves on a tree. They are only there for a season. You can't depend on them or count on them because they are weak and only there to give you shade. Like leaves, they are there to take what they need and as soon as it gets cold or wind blows in your life they are gone. You can't be angry at them, it's just who they are. Some People Will Only Remember You From Your Past “Remember when…” we all have those friends who always begins the

Is your partner insecure?

Trust is the foundation of every relationship and without trust, even the strongest relationship will fall apart, so when the question of whether your partner trusts you or not start popping up be careful. It is only in rare cases that a partner will open up that he/she does not trust his/her partner but there are signs they can exhibit to show they don’t trust their partner. Below are some signs that will make you 100% sure you partner is insecure and does not trust you. *Going through your phone: Going through you phone is a common sign of mistrust when your partner insists on knowing your password so he/she can go through your phone, messages, emails without giving you access to his and it is something that he/she does almost all the time  means he believes there is something to always snoop about. “In such a case, don’t hesitate to run for the nearest exit door, not only does this display his/her paranoia and insecurity but it’s also a sign of a highly abusive relationship”. *Ge

Funny Quote

Are you guilty of this?

Quote of the day

Are you going in the right direction?

Leave it behind

Good Morning! Until you can give up what you were, you can never become what you were going to be! There is a rejuvenation that only comes when you can leave whats behind to cleave to what is next for you. Consider the metaphor of marriage that is used in Ephesians 5:19-27, 32. This metaphor is the best description of our relationship with Christ. You have to leave that from which you came, and cleave to something new in order to experience a new season of favor with God! How can you connect to what is in front of you, if you will not leave what is behind you (2 Corinthians 5:17)?For example, maybe you were a hoarder of information, but God desires for you to be a master communicator. You have to leave the old you behind. When you are too connected to where you came from, the first step to get away is to praise God (Psalm 100:4). When you praise God you are thanking Him for what He DID. When you are carnal, your understanding of God is based on performance not presence - thats how you

Quote of the day

The fact that you fell down doesnt mean you should stay down

Do you have a bad character?

Good Morning! Your character is proven by what you do when you have the upper hand. The real test in any situation is not on the powerLESS its on the powerFUL. If you want the nature of the Christ to be proven in your life, have the upper hand and not use it (Romans 15:13). If you become big enough to do good to them that despitefully use you (Matthew 5:44), it is at that point, God can open the gates to supernatural favor in your life. When God has shown you that He is with you to the point that you can glory in tribulation, when you are aware of God to the point that what is threatening you does not intimidate you (Job 13:15), you are at a point of spiritual maturity that allows God to trust you with a new dimension of responsibility (Psalm 31:14). Keep developing your Spiritual Senses! Allow the Spirit of the living God to dwell in you and guide your actions, responses and choices! His Word is a lamp unto your feet and light unto your paths (Psalm 119:105). God has so much you in s

Quote of the day

Deep words....

5 Reasons not to date a girl

*To impress your friends: Some folks fall into the trap of dating a particular girl because they want to impress their friends. They go as far as making bets with about the prospects of getting a girl. They shy from dating the girl the kind of girl they really want because they think their friends would not be impressed, forgetting that they are the ones who would be in the relationship and not their friends. *Looks: Beauty they say, is in the eyes of the beholder. Truthfully, no one hates beauty or having a beautiful girl as a wife or girlfriend, albeit the realities of a relationship go beyond looks and beauty. Beauty will fade with age. It is even worse with the rise of several make up trends that have the ability to completely change a person. In other words, look beyond facial beauty and body, when choosing a girl. *Parental Pressure: This is more rampant in the African society. Parents tend to mount undue pressure on their children to get into relationships, especially as you

You are a Victor not a Victim

Good Morning! God is repositioning your ENTIRE situation! You’re playing the wrong role - You’re not a victim, you’re the VICTOR! If God is for you, who can be against you (Romans 8:31-32)? Those who have in some way been against you are never going to see you coming; God has blinded their eyes! Get ready for God to release you into another dimension of blessings! Stop worrying about things you have the power, in the name of Jesus, to take authority over! If we look at the life of Joseph, he had every right to assume the role of a victim, but there was favor in his famine and it was all apart of God’s divine purpose to use that season to bless Him (Genesis 50:20)! God is doing the same thing in your life! Declare that you have the victory over whatever you are facing (1 Corinthians 15:57)! Stop playing the victim - God is getting ready to move in a miraculous way on your behalf (Psalm 23:5 ; 2 Corinthians 9:8) Watch the rebroadcast of @BishopJakes #HiddenInPlainSight at

Warning signs of a possible break-up

When s/he is emotionally distant This disconnection is usually the prelude to a dying relationship. For a potential cheater, it’s easier to distance oneself emotionally from someone than to confront the real problem. Psychologists regard it as cowardly. • Absence of s*xual intimacy. When two people are still in love, s*x is normal and it happens without prompting. However, once infidelity enters the picture, physical disconnection sets in and absence of s*x is its expression. . This is especially true is no prior issues existed in this area. If nothing else, this behavior is indicative of some type of emotional or physical disconnect. Regardless, given the importance of physical connection in a relationship, a serious discussion is in order. • When your partner suddenly demands “privacy.” Of course, in any relationship, everyone needs the “me” time; but when your partner is always in need of time alone, something isn’t right and it may be another way of easing him/herself out of your

Funny pix

Some girls just like to form sha!!!!

Quote of the day

Stop the backbiting!!

7 Facts About Marriage

1. Everyone has a dark history No one is an Angel; therefore, avoid digging into one’s past. What matters is the present life of your partner. Old things are passed away. Try to forgive and forget. The past can’t be changed. So Focus on the present and the future! 2. Every marriage has its own challenges Marriage is not a bed of roses. Every shinning marriage has gone through its own test of hot and excruciating fire. True love is proven in time of challenge. Fight for your marriage! Make up your mind to stay with your spouse in time of need. Remember this is the vow you made on your wedding day! 3. Marriages have different levels of success Don’t compare your marriage with another! We can never be equal, some will be far in front and others far behind. To avoid marriage stresses, be patient, work hard and with time, your marriage dreams shall come true. 4. To marry is to declare a war When you marry, you must declare a war against enemies of marriage. Some of the enemies of mar