Leave it behind

Good Morning!
Until you can give up what you were, you can never become what you were going to be! There is a rejuvenation that only comes when you can leave whats behind to cleave to what is next for you. Consider the metaphor of marriage that is used in Ephesians 5:19-27, 32. This metaphor is the best description of our relationship with Christ. You have to leave that from which you came, and cleave to something new in order to experience a new season of favor with God! How can you connect to what is in front of you, if you will not leave what is behind you (2 Corinthians 5:17)?For example, maybe you were a hoarder of information, but God desires for you to be a master communicator. You have to leave the old you behind. When you are too connected to where you came from, the first step to get away is to praise God (Psalm 100:4). When you praise God you are thanking Him for what He DID. When you are carnal, your understanding of God is based on performance not presence - thats how you escape in the natural. However, the closer you get to Him, who He IS becomes more important than what He DID.
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