7 Facts About Marriage

1. Everyone has a dark history
No one is an Angel; therefore, avoid digging into one’s past. What matters is the present life of your partner. Old things are passed away. Try to forgive and forget. The past can’t be changed. So Focus on the present and the future!

2. Every marriage has its own challenges
Marriage is not a bed of roses. Every shinning marriage has gone through its own test of hot and excruciating fire. True love is proven in time of challenge. Fight for your marriage! Make up your mind to stay with your spouse in time of need. Remember this is the vow you made on your wedding day!

3. Marriages have different levels of success
Don’t compare your marriage with another! We can never be equal, some will be far in front and others far behind. To avoid marriage stresses, be patient, work hard and with time, your marriage dreams shall come true.

4. To marry is to declare a war
When you marry, you must declare a war against enemies of marriage. Some of the enemies of marriage are: ignorance, prayerlessness, unforgiveness, adultery, third party influence, stinginess, stubbornness, lack of love, rudeness, wife battery, laziness, divorce etc. Be ready to fight to maintain your marriage zone.

5. You would not get the complete person you desire
He (God) gives you, him or her in the form of raw materials in order for you to mould into what you desire. You may desire a woman who can pray for one hour but your wife can only pray for 30 minutes. With your love, prayer and encouragement, she can improve.

6. Marriage is a risk
You cannot predict what will happen after marriage, as the situation may change. So, leave room for adjustment. Pregnancy may not come as soon as you desire. You may have married her because of her slim physique but she may become 100 percent fatter after a child. He may lose his beautiful job for years that you have to take the financial responsibility of the family until he gets a new job. But with God by your side, you will smile at last.

7. Marriage is not a contract
Marriage needs total commitment; love is the glue that makes a couple stick together. Divorce starts in the mind. Never think of divorce! Never threaten your spouse with divorce. Choose to remain married! God hates divorce.


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