Before it's too late

Life is too short to leave important words unsaid. We rush through life working and tackling day-to-day concerns, but often forget to stop ourselves to connect with those we love. The permanent residents of our hearts deserve to know the depth of our love and appreciation for them.
Our best friends, siblings, parents and spouses walk with us on our journey through life. Yet, when asked, one of the things that people on their deathbeds regret the most is not expressing their emotions--not telling those they loved how much they meant to them.
Let’s free the love in our hearts as we realize these three reasons to tell someone you love them, today:
1. Tomorrow is not promised.
The average human life lasts 657,000 days, if we live to be seventy-five. Thousands of these hours will be spent in ways we can’t control: work, traffic and meetings. What we can have say over is how we share love in our lives.  We should radiate love and connection.  Tell every person that you love how much they mean to you.  Share your love with your son as he walks out the door and hold your sister a few minutes longer before she boards that plane.  Don’t let another hour go by--tell them. Tell them now.
2. Love is transformation.
A fated meeting at a Chicago law firm in 1989 brought First Lady Michelle and President Barack Obama together.  At first Michelle was hesitant to date him, but the more he showed her his appreciation and warmth, and told her how he felt, the more she fell in love.  Their love for each other has transformed their lives, their family, this nation.  Sharing your love with someone is power!  Let them know what they mean to you; allow yourself to be radically transformed through your open heart.  You may feel vulnerable, but it will change you both for the better.
3. Live without regrets.
Author Bronnie Ware wrote the important work, Five Regrets of The Dying. As a nurse who worked for eight years with people at the end of their lives, she sat by her patients’ bedsides at all hours of the night. As she explains, she would hear one common concern from every single patient: their hearts were heavy with the pain of regret.  Regrets for things unsaid and actions not taken.
Before it’s too late for us, let us set down our false pride.  Let’s set down the need to control everything; let’s soften our hearts to the true power of love.  Tell those that matter how much their daily presence means to you.  Call your dearest friends and tell them how their support has changed you for the better. Hug your mom a little tighter as you wish her a goodnight.  Tell your wife that your world is a better place because of her unconditional love. Let them see their goodness and beauty through the warmth of your loving gaze.
Express the love in your heart freely and never doubt they know just how much you care.


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