Speak Abundance: Use Gratitude To Multiply Your Blessings

While speaking on an episode of Oprah Winfrey's "Life Class," T.D. Jakes shared a powerful truth regarding how our attitude affects our circumstance: "Wherever there is appreciation, there is duplication."

It's that simple. As we show gratitude for our blessings, they become greater.

Here are three practical steps to keep the gratitude flowing and bring more blessings into our lives.

1. Speak Abundance
Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret" suggests we start each morning with a practice of repeating, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Right foot down, “Thank you!” Left foot on the ground, “Thank you!” We thank the universe for the gift of life and jump start our day with positivity. It may sound extreme, but why not say thank you to each of the two hundred and six bones in our body? Each bone, from our occipital bone to our phalanges, is vital to our daily functioning. Send them love and radiate your inner health!

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania “investigated changes in cerebral blood flow during different types of meditative practice.” They found that Franciscan nuns who used a repetitive positive phrase had the most increase in bloodflow to the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain that controls consciousness, general intelligence and personality. As we speak abundance through positive statements about our lives, our very cells pulsate with purpose and energy.  

2. Show Gratitude
Oprah Winfrey has famously shared how using a daily gratitude journal helped her multiply the blessings in her life. She took to her website and shared a journal entry from her past: 

“Here's what I was grateful for on October 12, 1996:

1. A run around Florida's Fisher Island with a slight breeze that kept me cool.

2. Eating cold melon on a bench in the sun.

3. A long and hilarious chat with Gayle about her blind date with Mr. Potato Head.

4. Sorbet in a cone, so sweet that I literally licked my finger.

5. Maya Angelou calling to read me a new poem.”

Despite all the luxuries Oprah is afforded, she found the simple act of “eating cold melon on a beach in the sun” filled her soul with immense gratitude. This profound sense of gratitude kept her in line with her vision for her life. She believed she was blessed, and her act of daily gratitude and reverence kept the blessings flowing. In your life, take time out of your day to show gratitude for your career, kids, marriage, family, the midnight blue waves of the ocean and the crisp kiss of the wind.

3. Multiply Blessings
Gardeners who wish to grow a high-yield garden deliberately nurture the soil. Newly planted seeds absorb the nutrients found in healthy soil and thrive!  We, too, can multiply our blessings and increase our positive emotional yield by regularly feeding the soil that is our souls. We can start the day with prayer or meditation, either of which increase our sense of well-being.  During work hours, we can listen to uplifting music to get ourselves focused. Throughout our day, we can engage in better self-care and positive self-talk. In our friendships, we can choose to align ourselves with people who share common values and goals. In our marriage, as we provide the sustenance of consideration, affection and daily support, it flourishes before our eyes. As a bountiful garden will grow from the fertile soil, so too will our blessings multiply through daily gratitude toward our home and work environments, our relationships and ourselves. 



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