25 ways to touch your spouse this weekend

In the words of love experts Dr. Charles and Dr. Elizabeth Schmitz "The simple truth is, the best marriages engage in a lot of touching, and sex is only one form of touching."
1. Squeeze his bum.
2. Kiss his cheek.
3. Put your arm around her.
4. Hold his hand.
5. Play footsies.
6. Rub his leg.
7. Touch her elbow.
8. Run your fingers through his hair.
9. Rub her back.
10. Give him a bear hug and don't let go.
11. Run your fingers over her cheek.
12. Kiss his neck.
13. Put your arm around her waist.
14. Hug him from behind and put your cheek next to his.
15. Kiss her on the lips. Gently.
16. Rub his arm.
17. Touch your forehead to hers.
18. Rest your head on his shoulder.
19. Dance with her.
20. Whisper in his ear.
21. Sit close together.
22. Spoon together in bed.
23. Give him a scalp massage.
24. Hold her face in your hands and stare in her eyes.
25. Squeeze his hand.

Both men & women crave affection and want to feel valued. The accumulation of genuine, sincere affection between spouses can nurture friendship, invite emotional security, and make the act of sex more meaningful and satisfying. In an L.A. Times article from 1985 (can you believe they have those articles archived and online?!), Ann Landers was asked about a non-scientific survey that she received more than 100,000 responses to! What Ann learned from her survey was that, "The importance of sex is overrated. Women want affection. They want to feel valued. Apparently, having sex alone doesn't give them the feeling they're valued

So, take this as a reminder to nurture your marriage this week by touching your spouse - at least 8 to 10 times a day! If you do, you can be certain that within a very short period of time you may notice that your communication is improving, your sex life is more fulfilling, and your marriage is finally starting to feel like you always hoped it would.

Source: nuturingmarriage.org


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