
Showing posts from September, 2017

Quote of the day

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” –Maya Angelou

The Fine Art of Pretence- V

Impedance = Z Well, you know what they say: ‘Whatever has an advantage also has a disadvantage’? Pretence, as fine an art as it is, isn’t any different. Sometimes you’re not so sure something will work. Scientists call it Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, but here we’ll call it the impedance to pretence. Now, let’s go on to look into some factors that could curtail or impede the workability coefficient of The Fine Art of Pretence. First on the list is KNOWLEDGE. You know that thing about your not wanting to know something because you can’t face it and yet you can’t hide from it? Or how it's so hard to hide when you think the very person you're trying to hide from has already seen you? Let’s face it: knowledge is power. Yeah, I know some folks have become so philosophical with that cliché, albeit expectedly, that they now aver that knowledge is power only when applied. I don’t know what more to say to such unreasonable fellows except that it is wrong to criticize what you do

How To Become Socially Confident

A Group of People having a Discussion Every day, as I pursue different objectives, I realize more and more that technical competence is not enough. Whatever goals you and I set, we are going to need PEOPLE–at every level of the economic spectrum–to bring them to fruition. Perfecting your people skills by becoming what I call “trans-social” is the unwritten rule that will catapult you into the next level in every occupation or endeavor. I remember being told point blank by a certain Fortune 500 executive that I had been advanced over another more experienced employee simply because he was “not as sophisticated”. It sounds unfair, but the reality is that such perceptions are advancing or thwarting personal dreams in companies, churches, and common relationships every day. You may have pooh-poohed social etiquette and professional decorum in the past, but trust me, as the world becomes more competitive, you are going to need this underrated advantage. I’ve written a crash-course book o

Express Yourself

Too often, our stressors take their toll on us and we’re flooded by waves of sadness or anxiety.  It’s normal to experience these rough patches.  We work, take care of our families and meet the demands placed on our time. What is missing from our lives is often our own voice--our connection with the creative in us.  Artist Pablo Picasso once said, “Every child is an artist, the problem is staying an artist when you grow up.” When the pace of life has us feeling blue, an active cure is called for; it exists in authentic self expression. Connecting to the creative within, in order to be seen and heard, instantly lifts our spirits. Researchers at UC Berkeley found that meaningful self expression leads to greater feelings of power and control over one’s life. Too often we go through lives fulfilling all of our obligations, working ourselves to the bone, but forget to reconnect with our spirit--our essence. How often have you found yourself, at the end of the work day, feeling depleted,

5 Types of Friends That You Need

Muhammad Ali will always be remembered for being the greatest champ to step into the boxing ring, but he was also a very enlightened and informed man. One of the many personal insights he shared during his lifetime addressed the worth of friendships. He said,“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.” His words reflect an importance that lies in our friendships that’s immense, unfathomable, and can only be understood by being a part of one. Our friendships pick us up, carry us further, and come from some of the most unlikely sources . In order to get the most out of our friendships, there are certain types of friends we should have in our lives to round out our social circles. 1. The Caretaker . We all need a little help now and again and a friend who proudly plays the role of caretaker will never leave you wanting for more suppor

How To Apologise

I usually get up early so I can read and think and drink a little coffee before the rest of my family is awake. A couple of days ago, I looked over and saw Tony asleep in bed when I got out of the shower, and my stomach was instantly in knots. I had gone to bed early the night before because I was in a foul mood. We were working together on our new #staymarried group, but our hard drive had crashed. We had minimal programs, no printer set-up, no ink for the printer. It was a big irritating mess and a giant waste of my time. Tony was working through the tech stuff, and of course that irritated me, too. Waste of time, all of it. Bleh. I’m going to bed! Now, after a full night’s rest, I saw more clearly that I’d been fantastically rude and taken my frustration out on him. I saw him sleeping and I knew I needed to apologize. Bleh, again! I hate apologizing. I mean, why can’t I just be grumpy and even a little mean when I feel like it? Why can’t we all just move on? I mean, he shouldn’t ta

How To Live Long If You Have Heart Disease

When talking about heart conditions, doctors use the terms coronary heart disease (CHD) and the broader cardiovascular disease (CVD). CHD is used for any condition that affects heart function. CVD refers to both coronary heart disease and diseases of the circulation, such as stroke , when a clot blocks blood supply to the brain. Stroke is the country's third biggest killer, claiming 70,000 lives each year. Most doctors now prefer to use the term CVD because it's the major cause of premature death in the UK, causing around 32 per cent of premature deaths in men and 28 per cent in women. One person in Britain dies from heart disease every three minutes – making us one of the world's worst countries for this problem. Types of Heart Disease *Heart Attack *Congenital Heart Disease *Heart Attack *Cardiomyopathy ​Heart problems, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease often emerge as your heart adjusts to aging. The good news? You can do

Single But Not Lonely

​APPRECIATING BEING SINGLE CAN BE AS DIFFICULT AS SEEING THE FOREST THROUGH THE TREES. Sometimes it seems like it just can’t happen – especially when you consider yourself to be a “relationship person.” It almost feels like a part of you is missing even though you know that’s absurd logic. So, instead of beating yourself down for wanting a relationship, focus on taking advantage of the time you have by yourself so you can be 100% ready to roll when you do find your certain special human. Not only will you feel more confident about your current relationship status NOW, but you’ll also be better off LATER. Here is what to focus on while being single so you can be the best version of yourself once you meet the right person for you: GET IN THE HABIT OF BEING SELFISH I said it. Get in the habit of putting yourself first now, because trust me, once a romantic interest comes along, that is going to go flying out the window. I don’t want you to become some troll who is only out for he