
Showing posts from August, 2017

See Why Bottled Water May Not Be The Best For You

Though water is the healthiest thing anyone can drink , science suggests that drinking from plastic water bottles might not be the best thing for you or the environment. Here are reasons you should avoid drinking from plastic water bottles as much as you can: 1. They can release potentially harmful chemicals into your water . When you expose plastic bottles to heat (such as in a hot car , dishwasher , ultraviolet radiation from the sun or microwaves ), the outer layers can break down. In response, plastics marked with recycle codes 3 or 7 can release a chemical called bisphenol A ( BPA) , while BPA-free plastics can release bisphenol S (BPS) . These can contaminate your water , says Dr . Cheryl Watson , a biochemist at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, who’ s done extensive research on human exposure to BPA and BPS. The problem : When you ingest even small amounts, they mimic oestrogen , which can change the way your endocrine system functions. In humans , expos

The Fine Art of Pretence- IV

TRUST: THE CRUX OF THE MATTER It is a better compliment to be trusted than to be loved. I read that from John C. Maxwell, and ever since Ive wondered what makes trust such a scarce commodity even in places where love is superabundant. Now, it seems quite ironical that trust should be central to such a concept as pretence because the two seem to harbour mutual animosity. Im sure, however, that even you reading this would, at one time or the other, have dealt in pretence, prevarication, or  even outright lying to someone just cause you knew they trusted you enough to hang on to your every word. Thus, I dont need to remind you that the trust they had in you was the very reason you got away with that act. Right, weve established a connection, so lets begin to cut a little deeper. Ill start by telling you something about myself. Basically, Im a lawbreaker; a lawbreaker in the sense that I learn the rules of my environment just for the purpose of knowing how best to break them and recreat

8 Types Of Libido That Spouses Have

Why do you lay so much emphasis on sex and sexuality? From my opinion, I think sex is a basic thing; why give so much attention to it?’ This was a question I was asked while I was in South Africa giving a talk on sex and sexual health matters. The first big misconception many people have is thinking that sex is basic and natural and should not be learnt. It is as a result of this discourse that sex education has long been obstructed as if it is not necessary to understand the mechanisms at which it works. Then again, this has caused a lot of damages to many homes. In reality, sex is cultural; it is the fruit of a learning process and it is something we all have to learn. Until we start learning, we might not be able to unravel the mechanism behind the female’s sexuality or the way the erection functions. As such, today, we want to see seven ways couples can enjoy instant raging passion by being able to differentiate various types of libidos. I would advise you read this together wit

The Fine Art of Pretence- III

HOW NOT TO CROSS THE LINE INTO STUPIDITY I have met a lot of stupid people, but none worse than those who either don’t know how to conceal their knowledge and emotions or haven’t learnt how to flaunt it at the right time. These two groups of people are, to me, some of the worst human beings on the circle of the earth. Here’s the reason. The former, like brute beasts, are destroyed by the very powers and prowess they possess. For the latter, they want to please everybody and be the beast of burden. Earlier we had said a little on quiet people being very dangerous. Now, as sweet as that sounds, it’s not always true. I know about the empty barrel that makes the loudest noise, but hey, even an empty barrel can be coated with thick rubber or leather so that it makes little or no noise. I’ll tell you this: if someone is so often quiet, it simply means they don’t think they have something useful to contribute to the pool of wisdom and don’t want to swell the cesspool of folly either. Or it

See What Happens To You When You Laugh

Studies show that laughter lowers blood pressure, reduces stress hormones, and boosts immune functions in the body. It cleanses the lungs and body tissues of accumulated stale air since it empties more air out than it takes in.  In addition to these benefits, laughter triggers the release of endorphins — those “feel good” chemicals in the brain that make you feel joyful and elated — and even helps to relieve pain. Endorphins are the same chemicals released when some people, after an extended period of running, get “runners high”. We should take advantage of every opportunity to have a good hearty laugh.  Humorous situations surround us each day. We just have to be on the lookout for them. Here are some ways to get more laughter into your life: Let people know that you enjoy a good laugh and ask them to share their favorite jokes with you via email, etc. Visit joke sites on the Internet. Plan to attend a live comedy show with a group. Share your embarrassing or humorous moments (l

Quote of the day

Have a blessed Sunday

3 Types Of People You Should Avoid At Work

In most personal situations, we can try to avoid the impact toxic people have on us by limiting our interaction with them. But how do we do that in an environment where we don't pick and choose those who surround us? At some point in our careers, many of us have had to work with a “toxic worker.” This person is a colleague or boss whose harsh personality or devious behaviors make the workday miserable. These behaviors often shift the morale in other employees, create conflict in the work place and can potentially hurt the company’s reputation. Research shows that up to 80 percent of all difficulties within organizations stem from poor or strained employee relationships. This means that it is more helpful for the overall success of the company to avoid such employees. Difficult work environments can cause anxiety, depression, and in some cases, physical illness. In most cases, it is very easy to identify the common types of toxic persons in your workplace. Here are three classic

Traits That Make A Relationship Great

One of the best pieces of relationship advice I’ve come across goes thus: “A great relationship doesn’t happen because of the love you had in the beginning but how well you continue building love until the end”. Thus, the first step in building a great relationship is finding the right person. As such, in bid to avoid a wrong and abusive relationship, some folks tend to look forward to finding the ‘perfect one’ but as you would have come to learn, this is just a myth. Hence building great and healthy relationships requires the coming together of two ‘imperfect’ people who are ready to make a conscious effort to create their own kind of ‘perfect relationship’. Against this backdrop, below are traits that make a great relationship. True Love Even though it takes more than love to sustain a relationship, true love is still a key factor in sustaining a relationship. Overtime, the word ‘love’ has been used confused with ‘lust’, hence some people have given up their hope of findin

3 Tips For A Perfect Date Night

By all accounts, you’re a successful business person. You’ve put a lot of thought and work into moving ahead and now you’re reaping the rewards. For some people, though, professional success can come at the expense of personal relationships.  But that doesn’t have to happen to you.  In fact, the very same habits that propel you to business success can work wonders in your romantic life. Employ these 3 habits and to make the most of your date night. 1. Keep Your Appointments You didn’t become successful by constantly rescheduling your important business meetings. Honor the time you’ve set aside for your significant other in the same way by keeping your appointments.  Your commitment to spend time together will keep your love going no matter how busy your work schedule gets. 2. Have An Agenda The most productive business meetings operate by an agenda, and the same is true for date night. Have a concrete plan for how you want your date night to proceed. Don’t be afraid to take the l

Contraceptive Pills Side Effects

There are several ways to catch fun but for women taking a pill certainly wouldn’t count as one. This has led to the trending #MyPillStory on twitter. Some folks tend to go through a plethora of struggles when taking pills, mostly because they’ve not been adequately informed on the effects of taking contraceptive pills. However, the effect of contraceptive pills on the human body is nebulous. Hence, there are a couple of ‘good’ effects and the ‘not so good’ effects as well. Contraceptive Pill, generally referred to as ‘the pill’, is a form of hormonal contraception taken by women to prevent pregnancy. It consists of two types, one of which contains both the estrogen and progesterone (progestin) hormones, while the other called ‘mini pill’ contains only the progesterone hormone. The Good Clearer Skin                                                     Black woman with clear skin Due to the fact that acne is accelerated by high level of male hormones (androgen), balancing it

How to Work Smart

We all know that it’s important to slow down sometimes for the good of our health, but the benefits of taking it easy can actually increase productivity as well. Limiting action and allocating more time for restfulness doesn’t have to mean trading in productivity. There are a few cases were slowing down will still get the most out of our time. 1. Schedule everything; especially time for yourself. The first rule of time management is effective scheduling and a small way to do that is by making lists. Writing things down is a powerful tool because putting goals into words makes them more likely to be achieved. Writing things down helps to unjumble the many priorities and responsibilities that require your attention. Making a to do list, for example, cuts out time that would have been spent trying to organize and reorganize priorities. Research by Human Behavioral Specialist Dr. John Demetri has shown that making lists to break down large projects into smaller tasks also cuts down o

How to Work Smart

We all know that it’s important to slow down sometimes for the good of our health, but the benefits of taking it easy can actually increase productivity as well. Limiting action and allocating more time for restfulness doesn’t have to mean trading in productivity. There are a few cases were slowing down will still get the most out of our time. 1. Schedule everything; especially time for yourself. The first rule of time management is effective scheduling and a small way to do that is by making lists. Writing things down is a powerful tool because putting goals into words makes them more likely to be achieved. Writing things down helps to unjumble the many priorities and responsibilities that require your attention. Making a to do list, for example, cuts out time that would have been spent trying to organize and reorganize priorities. Research by Human Behavioral Specialist Dr. John Demetri has shown that making lists to break down large projects into smaller tasks also cuts down o