
Think Right; Make Way For The Light

Disappointments, hurt , fear, shame, and guilt are all things we go through, once in a while (some more frequently than others) and we sometimes allow these things to weigh on us. What’s more is that in those dark moments, we become silent, and secretly let those thoughts and emotions eat away at us. We feel as though we can’t open up to anybody, because maybe we feel ashamed; maybe we fear feeling misunderstood; or maybe we feel like we don’t want to burden others with our problems. Indeed, making errors is a normal, if unwanted, part of life. Every one of us has moments we are not proud of – moments when anger, jealousy or our insecurities get in the way of our living in the light. Yet, we are called on to realize that the darkness cannot and will not overshadow our good. Studies have found that people who think they can learn from their mistakes bounced back quickly after an error. It may feel like it is too late, or too much has passed, but never doubt that...

4 Ways To Control Mouth Odour and Bad Breath

So I thought I should put up something on health this week. Here we are. This could be helpful for someone you know. Many people (of all ages) have bad breath. Sometimes it is only for a short period, and with others it is persistent (always). It is estimated that up to 50% of people have smelly mouth all the time. You can develop halitosis even if you brush and floss regularly – in fact, in most cases, bad breath is caused by the gums and tongue – not the teeth! Bad breath is one thing that you might not notice yourself, and no one finds it easy to tell you. People will avoid you, and you can loose friends easily. It is therefore important that you look out for yourself every morning before you step out... and yes, look out for your good friends too! Mouth odour as well is an embarrassing condition caused by a group of anaerobic, sulfur-producing bacteria that breeds beneath the surface of the tongue and often in the throat and tonsil area. These anaerobic bacteria assi...

7 Possible Reasons Why Women Remain Single

Some women in the society today seem to prefer to remain single, as a result of the recent spate of lazy guys who prefer to depend on their wives rather work and be the breadwinners in their home. The continuous rise of women's rights has been part of the impetus for the lack of interest of women in marriage. However, there are several reasons why some women decline to get married. 1. Women have become the person they eventually wanted to marry. Gloria Steinem said “We are becoming the men we wanted to marry”. We are strong and independent enough to take care of ourselves. We don’t need a man to do that for us anymore. Women are self-sufficient and so they are getting married less as compared to the old tradition. 2. Successful women are a threat to most men Men don’t like it when they feel their masculinity is threatened in any way and especially when it’s from the opposite gender. Men usually don’t like being with a woman who makes him feel inf...

4 Ways To Identify Your Strengths

We’ve all been asked the question: What are your strengths? If it catches you off guard, then it's time to take personal inventory. Your strengths are the foundation of your success. It's important to know which qualities make you stand out. Not only is being aware of your strengths positive for an employer, it also works in your favor. The more hours per day adults believe they use their strengths, reports Gallup, the more likely they are to note having ample energy, feeling well-rested, being happy, smiling or laughing a lot, learning something interesting and being treated with respect. In short, utilizing our strenghts make just about everything better. If you're unsure how to start unlocking your strengths, follow these four tips. 1. What Makes You You? Think about your personal and professional experiences. How have you dealt with high-pressure situations? You’re bound to think of at least three strengths. Not only will you be able to articulate your strengths, y...

5 Reasons Why Arguments Are Good For A Relationship

“Couples who argue a lot might love each other deeply”. At a first glance, this statement looks all shades of weird, right? I thought so too but like I’ll always say; understand before you criticize. It took me quite some time to really grasp the sense around this statement but experience came to the rescue. Now, truthfully, no one wants to be in a relationship where the sun sets and rises on their arguments. In a perfect world, relationships would really blissful all through, but I guess this is the point where I tell you: “Welcome to the imperfect world”. Relationships usually start on a very pleasant note. Everything all seems to be all bright and beautiful at the beginning, especially for relationships where the guy has had to go through months of toasting and waiting. Suddenly, a few weeks/months down the line, you start discovering things about yourselves that sort of puts you guys off, and the result; arguments, arguments and lots of arguments. So,...

What To Do If Your Partner Cheats On You: Handling The Pain of Unfaithfulness

Cheating, even with how heartbreaking it is, has unfortunately become a common phenomenon in relationships. In a perfect world, no one would cheat and relationships would have a complete season of bliss, devoid of suspicion and unfaithfulness but alas, welcome to reality. You know, I was a bit confused at first, as to how to coin my topic. I was stuck between using 'when' and 'if' but I opted for 'if' in my topic because it felt less pessimistic. It is widely believed that the men are more guilty of this 'sin'. In fact, for some ladies, its a big red flag in a relationship. The argument is that 'Men are biologically polygamous. Funny or truth? Thats a question for you to answer.However, both men and women are guilty of cheating. On a lighter note, some have even argued that cheating in a relationship should be a vocabulary reserved only for married folks, because as far as they are concerned you cant possibly cheat on someone who you are not marrie...

Are Men Really Polygamous By Nature?

Photo Credit: Blaj Gabriel "Men are polygamous in nature". It struck me like lightning when I first heard someone make this statement. I felt it was another case of people trying to rationalize a perceived wrongdoing. What was more surprising was to see some women speak in defence of this statement. In defence of the 'men are polygamous by nature' argument, a young lady said: 'The female reproductive cycle comes once a month but for a man, its everyday. For each sexual act, the woman's one egg is matched to a man's one hundred and twenty million (120,000,000) sperm cells. Given that all these cells are viable, it would take only thirty (30) men to impregnate all the women in the world." She opines that this points to one clear fact; men are by nature polygamous. She also says that monogamy and fidelity are unnatural situations promulgated by religious beliefs and societal pressure." However, if there's one lesson I've learnt, its this: s...